Sunday, April 25, 2010
Catcher Console Web Monitor
the official version issued by the Government is that all of a sudden refineries and fuel depots in Port au Prince is not meeting the criteria for security.
probably have never responded to international security policy.
UN radio says aging is a tactic of the Haitian government to increase artificially fuel prices, having to dry for a few weeks, the distributors and then flooding the market in Prez increased (the same tactic of drug dealers).
the breed but we thought we Italiot smarter than we thought "mo 'them fregamo Burini us these four blacks, piamo a container, fill me from the oil and if you bring me here, tie."
blowjobs blowjobs little foresight (PPP)
rented the truck and the container was bought by phone 10 m3 of diesel oil, and began what in technical jargon are called dicks.
- the truck can go, but there is no transport documents for fuels that are many and complicated
- letter to the Ambassador of Haiti to Santo Domingo, whose content was more or not: "let us step cor truck full of fuel, otherwise rimanemo dry and we have to block the projects, causing the death of poor Black children malnourished"
happens at this point what happens in the cartoon "the 12 labors of Asterix" or search for the necessary permit to cross the border.
Ambassador, looking contrite, the Ministry of Finance sends us where we have the same letter to the editor of the service on which issue the appropriate authorization.
enter the Ministry of Finance:
- they send us to the reception service
customs clearance - customs clearance service to send us the service tax collection
- the service tax collection remind us of the reception (20 euro as when skim away from the monopoly)
- the front desk sent us to the direction of the transport department
- the direction of the transport department to send us
tax collection - the collection of taxes allrga arms and there said that we were wrong seat
we go out in another building of the Ministry of Finance, on the other side of the city.
and there we see a certain amount of white faces, which makes us think that maybe we are in the right place.
after a wait that resembled the row to take the report cards, with the same feeling of mild anxiety, a bored-looking lady then told us flemmma with some not, would not be possible to transport fuel unless you are an oil company, so we rifornissimo the black market and not rompessimo balls.
and mo 'that there Famo co' I'm the truck?
if damo on the teeth?
no, sell it to santo domingo losing a thousand dollars.
and go to stock up on the black market, just like everyone else.
our answer to this matter they said that it was worth taking a night off and go eat at a restaurant in most of Petion Ville, frequented by expatriates of NGOs, United Nations, drug dealers and pimps of various local general.
only a restaurant could live side by side these different categories of characters.
Dominican orchestra played while the successes Peter Frampton and the spectators danced (with expatriate pimps, whores with UN officials, arms dealers with people in the NGO ...) between a saltimbocca alla romana and licked at the Creole Our table was made by a good half of the expat to act and two curious characters, a Creole in his forties and an old man in white.
myself with his legendary ability to get into situations that most would call "fucking" ended up sitting next to the old man in white.
and a question comes to mind:
use cologne or vodka, or is' mbriacato.
the next three hours of talk made me lean towards the latter.
trattavasi the representative of the Haitian Government with responsibility for tourism in santo domingo (?).
Haitian white, had affinities in the attitude and speeches, with a South African Boer.
Acolla is for the entire evening and I could see the looks sympathetic bystanders, but whose eyes were full of relief to see that this fate had befallen me.
fourth rum, which I drank to keep him company (and to keep me company) launched into a soliloquy about the nature dell'haitiano, declaiming the debt of civilization that Haitians had with France, the fact that people did not like social cohesion and that only a bloody dictatorship of Soviet-style could give the Haitian national unity and a sense of community and solidarity (or the complete extermination of the population)
and it will be in the rum or the fascist rhetoric, m'aveva almost convinced.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Flu Like More Condition_symptoms
Celtic organs and organ trafficking from manutendere
needed immediate repairs to the 'body' ...
(Photo by Maurizio Crispi)
organs and organ. Organon is the name given by the followers of Aristotle, Peripatetics, the standard edition of his six works on logic. These works are: Categories, De Interpretation, the Prior Analytics, the Posterior Analytics, Topics and Refutations sophistical.
But, wanting to wander into the vertigo of the list, equipment, device, emissary, a spokesman, device, tool, part newsletter, part of the body member, mechanism, component, institution, organization, structure, paper, newspaper, newspaper, publication, journal, magazine, newsletter, newspaper, magazine>, harmonium, harpsichord, accordion, hurdy , piano, Hammond organ, synthesizer, keyboard electroinstallations piece ...
See also: apparatus, appliance, wit, snap, harness, channel, means, secret, vehicle, arm, support, horn, element, fragment, part, place, party, pitch, character, place, point , role, time, tract, trunk, head, dick, penis, pea, partner, bird, man, operating factor, institute, the system being, castle, building, frame, form, register, weekly, read, title, messenger, representative ...
Given the profusion of meanings, as a body want to talk about?
When I was young (at university, the first years in particular) went through a long period of suffering hypochondriac, rekindle the study of medical texts, where - of course - I went to search for photos and descriptions most horrid and unhealthy, with specific studies in the library, always looking for - rather than written explanations - of pictures (well, in those early years, practicing a kind of pornography images of medical subjects, ultimately).
Among the many diseases, from which I believed to have been hit (thanks to my fantasy that, at full gallop, drew me to the frightening scenarios a lot of imagination), there was a whole anthology of venereal diseases among them a place to relief had the infamous syphilis.
With obsessiveness, I was going to comb through all the images related to the most devastating lesions of tertiary syphilis, syphilitic gums, erosion of the nasal cavities, including those of men without noses, and other deformities.
trepidation of fear.
unrealistic, I thought essermele beak unrealistic because then the 18-20years - with a few exceptions - were living in conditions of semi-chastity.
Well, not holding to the stress of fear of having something, I confided with great difficulty with my father who, for anxiolytic, immediately took me by an acquaintance of his dermatologist and specialist in venereal diseases.
These, when we arrived, without any preamble, he said, giving me good-naturedly and with an air of patronizing you, "He pulls out the rod!" that I was already in the grip of anxiety and semistordito did not understand a bat (the fact). And he continued: "So, he pulls out the auction manly ..."," Show me State " ... "The body "..." The'uccello!" .
I finally understood and sketched, pulling out my peas, given the circumstances, it was just curled up in fear ...
The organ notes ...
that same body which, when you went into brothels (which I've never known), but I've heard through the colorful tales of Don Totò (the sailor of the rowing club that I attended as a boy), request was an immediate exposure of the 'body' for a quote "wash" it allowed, the expert eye of Miss duty, verification that there were no suspicious lesions, but that - at the same time - served as a vigorous manuntezione invigorating, in the case of bodies limp, mosciarelli and pooped.
But what of the legendary Don Toto had never defaillance: Steel was ("A ferrrro" as he used to tell the dear departed, with emphasis on phonetics highest).
Organs manutendere and repair ...
I believe that, when used to post signs as one of the photo, you must first specify which body is talking ta ... to avoid misunderstandings ...
(VC) - Traffic organ ...
year is thirty thousand
the market there is the row
standard selling cars
heart, abdomen, even a lung.
In this year cybernetic
I bought a magnetic heart
a testicle and a anus
in vinilpoliuretano.
But despite my great
this heart, damn
is bleeding profusely
by a faulty seal.
I also said my aunt
be careful,
purchasing second-hand
often there is no guarantee.
I am really quite a rookie,
are just naive,
I can never think
that a good body is a bargain.
In a dishonest world
always have to stay awake,
go to a service center
and you steal consciousness.
I purchased an accessory
I need to love,
big, strong, straight, brown,
it had even mount.
I am always a bit 'distracted
I left it unattended,
has passed pervert,
... the fine organ has disappeared ... !
I I function just fine,
the brain keeps me
I have no money to change it,
I'll just weld it,
but I might buy
market cars,
look, just what I buy,
... and give me a jerk ...!
(by "Variety" - )
year is thirty thousand
the market there is the row
standard selling cars
heart, abdomen, even a lung.
In this year cybernetic
I bought a magnetic heart
a testicle and a anus
in vinilpoliuretano.
But despite my great
this heart, damn
is bleeding profusely
by a faulty seal.
I also said my aunt
be careful,
purchasing second-hand
often there is no guarantee.
I am really quite a rookie,
are just naive,
I can never think
that a good body is a bargain.
In a dishonest world
always have to stay awake,
go to a service center
and you steal consciousness.
I purchased an accessory
I need to love,
big, strong, straight, brown,
it had even mount.
I am always a bit 'distracted
I left it unattended,
has passed pervert,
... the fine organ has disappeared ... !
I I function just fine,
the brain keeps me
I have no money to change it,
I'll just weld it,
but I might buy
market cars,
look, just what I buy,
... and give me a jerk ...!
(by "Variety" - )
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Elaborate Bunny Cages
derby and austerity
one hand the people in the streets to emergency, and other native Rome derby.
italics could be a pretty interesting weekend.
to seven hours of talk time zone instead focus mainly on the shortage of various fuels from a half weeks that characterizes these lands, already per se 'are losers.
all started Tuesday with a statement released by puffolandia announcing the closure of the refinery and depots in Port au Prince, including docks tankers.
then began a rather unique tarantella.
group of logisticians autoscolto agggire looked scattered around, looking for a gas station to argue with the Haitians, because obviously all depends on the fuel (the Haitians have a curious concept of electricity distribution: a pull cord , stick to the central and six hours after the workers themselves who have attacked him apart and if you go to sell on the black market, sic).
so here's that hordes of Autieri the pay of NGOs launched themselves in at night or before dawn wandering in search of the attendant corruptible, pickups with the boxes full of empty cans of petrol and inexorably on red indicator (the indicator mate?).
then, here is the idea that rained on him.
"but why not buy a tank of diesel in Santo Domingo and we get here, and then we divide it?"
The acolyte of logistics exchange glances full of deep satisfaction, knowing they were finally able to discover the secret of hot water.
but then the first problems began to arise:
have never taken orders for pizza, perhaps the Derby night? when you are on the phone and start asking "So, how many daisies? but you want the capricious and white naples yourself without the anchovies. therefore, the rice balls? a head? you want the vegetarian white without oil but with the sausages?" salt and in the knowledge that you never come to an end before the beginning of time?
buy ten thousand gallons of fuel oil and gasoline and then divide between the gay cooperating proves an equally difficult:
- intersos not want to have more than 500 gallons of diesel in the yard of the home, who is afraid of thieves (Find me one that if you paste a barrel by 1000 lt shoulder and then we'll talk about), but would need at least 2000 liters gas station (where they put it in your living room?)
- terres des hommes wants 250 gallons of diesel in jerry cans of petrol and 1000 in the bin, but then has second thoughts and decides that it takes 2000, but does not know where to put them then maybe 500 is better , but when you have to do the order?
- Cesvi not want it, but then left on foot and then he wants, but does not know how or what, especially since neither
- GVC decides that he wants, type 500-1000 lt, I understand, 500 or 1000? mica printer to buy the peanuts ...
- Coop takes the grace of god 1000 and 1000 of naphtha fuel, and even if you keep it in stock (what wisdom)
- Action Aid
not received - Save the Children snubs us, but then turns out that for send out its 20 expatriates with 20 car needs oil, but since I'm out of time will have to suffice their good health and a pair of shoes, nine people walk, walk.
and those who did the waiter?
moral of the story on Tuesday, will the truck with the container that will contain the diesel and gasoline.
got the impression that, at the entrance of the truck in the parking lot of the warehouse, deadlock, resume supplies and distributors to distribute, the petrol attendant and we will have start to have coffee with gasoline instead of ' water.
but good news fills our hearts with joy.
finally the frog across the Alps, also known as admin coordinator of the mission, found a Haitian who, in exchange for a wedding and of French nationality, can give you the joy (if you try black, you'll never be back) it does not
want, but we encourage all to anti-happy ending of this love story (the him in question is a means to an evangelical pastor grazing projects)
this opens another chapter:
motivations that move people to go to 10,000 km from home doing useless projects (apart from money, of course)
there are missionaries on behalf of God (and not the Blues Brothers)
there are those who leave and then to finally say 'Fuck the cooperative and the United Nations, so' mejo the military and multinational corporations "and then open a bar or entering the forest guard (could be my case).
there are those who marry the indigenous and Campo Felice (ask for the current logistics of the Italian Embassy in Zimbabwe).
there are those who at home are not able to be as fundamentally differentiated mental depart and arrive at twenty to sixty who do not know who they are, or rather, have their work but have a passport full of visas.
especially the last point to consider is how NOT to reach the goal.
followed extensive discussion on this in due course (with exciting examples of cooperating crazy, sessuomani of international / interracial, of hippies who converted to neoliberalism)
one hand the people in the streets to emergency, and other native Rome derby.
italics could be a pretty interesting weekend.
to seven hours of talk time zone instead focus mainly on the shortage of various fuels from a half weeks that characterizes these lands, already per se 'are losers.
all started Tuesday with a statement released by puffolandia announcing the closure of the refinery and depots in Port au Prince, including docks tankers.
then began a rather unique tarantella.
group of logisticians autoscolto agggire looked scattered around, looking for a gas station to argue with the Haitians, because obviously all depends on the fuel (the Haitians have a curious concept of electricity distribution: a pull cord , stick to the central and six hours after the workers themselves who have attacked him apart and if you go to sell on the black market, sic).
so here's that hordes of Autieri the pay of NGOs launched themselves in at night or before dawn wandering in search of the attendant corruptible, pickups with the boxes full of empty cans of petrol and inexorably on red indicator (the indicator mate?).
then, here is the idea that rained on him.
"but why not buy a tank of diesel in Santo Domingo and we get here, and then we divide it?"
The acolyte of logistics exchange glances full of deep satisfaction, knowing they were finally able to discover the secret of hot water.
but then the first problems began to arise:
have never taken orders for pizza, perhaps the Derby night? when you are on the phone and start asking "So, how many daisies? but you want the capricious and white naples yourself without the anchovies. therefore, the rice balls? a head? you want the vegetarian white without oil but with the sausages?" salt and in the knowledge that you never come to an end before the beginning of time?
buy ten thousand gallons of fuel oil and gasoline and then divide between the gay cooperating proves an equally difficult:
- intersos not want to have more than 500 gallons of diesel in the yard of the home, who is afraid of thieves (Find me one that if you paste a barrel by 1000 lt shoulder and then we'll talk about), but would need at least 2000 liters gas station (where they put it in your living room?)
- terres des hommes wants 250 gallons of diesel in jerry cans of petrol and 1000 in the bin, but then has second thoughts and decides that it takes 2000, but does not know where to put them then maybe 500 is better , but when you have to do the order?
- Cesvi not want it, but then left on foot and then he wants, but does not know how or what, especially since neither
- GVC decides that he wants, type 500-1000 lt, I understand, 500 or 1000? mica printer to buy the peanuts ...
- Coop takes the grace of god 1000 and 1000 of naphtha fuel, and even if you keep it in stock (what wisdom)
- Action Aid
not received - Save the Children snubs us, but then turns out that for send out its 20 expatriates with 20 car needs oil, but since I'm out of time will have to suffice their good health and a pair of shoes, nine people walk, walk.
and those who did the waiter?
moral of the story on Tuesday, will the truck with the container that will contain the diesel and gasoline.
got the impression that, at the entrance of the truck in the parking lot of the warehouse, deadlock, resume supplies and distributors to distribute, the petrol attendant and we will have start to have coffee with gasoline instead of ' water.
but good news fills our hearts with joy.
finally the frog across the Alps, also known as admin coordinator of the mission, found a Haitian who, in exchange for a wedding and of French nationality, can give you the joy (if you try black, you'll never be back) it does not
want, but we encourage all to anti-happy ending of this love story (the him in question is a means to an evangelical pastor grazing projects)
this opens another chapter:
motivations that move people to go to 10,000 km from home doing useless projects (apart from money, of course)
there are missionaries on behalf of God (and not the Blues Brothers)
there are those who leave and then to finally say 'Fuck the cooperative and the United Nations, so' mejo the military and multinational corporations "and then open a bar or entering the forest guard (could be my case).
there are those who marry the indigenous and Campo Felice (ask for the current logistics of the Italian Embassy in Zimbabwe).
there are those who at home are not able to be as fundamentally differentiated mental depart and arrive at twenty to sixty who do not know who they are, or rather, have their work but have a passport full of visas.
especially the last point to consider is how NOT to reach the goal.
followed extensive discussion on this in due course (with exciting examples of cooperating crazy, sessuomani of international / interracial, of hippies who converted to neoliberalism)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Free Blue Prints For Rabbit Hutch
flag of the first month, the march towards a healthy approach to racism goes smoothly.
racism not only intercontinental, but simply cross-border, as well as the frustrated housewife syndrome.
diagnosis is due to the rituals of everyday moments rizollamento, rizollamento is called the time of the break from work, usually around Aetto the evening, when our physical craving a cold beer, preferably sitting on the terrace.
is a brief moment that preccede shower and processing the evening dinner table.
rizollamento another moment of bitter would be the first to go to bed, but this covers already more than alcoholism.
still the problem of racism across borders (which also flows into gender segregation) was signed in the attitude of the board more or less every day in preparing an edible dinner that would give a semblance of humanity to the events of the Caribbean daily work.
so it's critical the choice of ingredients and cooking methods of the same (usually acts to constitute the mysterious dishes with exotic names: amatriciana, carbonara, pollocoipeperoni ....).
it happens that one of expatriates living in the house is a batracide female and French nationality who plays the pompous serving as a director (ignore the fact that what a journal is a lateral thinking that only interpret as malicious incompetence).
svolgerre addition to this function, there is a complete lack of physical coordination, which leads inevitably to affect the balance of static objects placed on flat surfaces, as well as to disturb the surface tension of liquids in containers, whether water, oil or coffee.
but above
here, this would not have happened.
now constitutes much as an enemy to be killed, not to look like a condisccendenza from its ability to drink coffee without a run on the walls.
these episodes are the ones that put in jeopardy the sanity of the writer, especially if the writer is forced to sweat seven shirts to explain that to make the pizza is not enough water and flour, but it would also need the yeast (and Now the damned French can also take their baguette, hide it under his armpit and go and take a ride).
alongside these other episodes do occur.
we went walking around the car, when suddenly a light was lit, a bright light, as red as the lips of his beloved, rossacome the fire of passion, but the smoke was not the fire of passion burned but the head that caused leakage of oil, brought the car to be unwitting guardian of a work of postmodern art consisted of a uniform block of metal, plastic and wires that were once an engine, a gearbox, a differential.
then we went from having a mere means of transport to keep a valuable sculpture (contained in what he called the impure body).
but as our love of art close to zero, we have shamefully decided to tow the car to the workshop for a room resuscitation attempt that ended with premature destruction.
to relax the mind and then I started to the lovely village of smurfs where, finally, with a cold beer in hand, I participated in an initiation rite (a meeting of elected officials) on the murky issue of logistics, that's funny little men in blue logcluster call (which seems a brand of laxative)
in this banquet of elected devoted mostly to self-view of the difficulty to work with blacks in the Caribbean, became the most optimistic that an announcement greeted with a "golly" the more pissed off with a "pig / a. ... (insert the name of a deity of your choice)."
for the next two weeks, the far-sighted government haitese foresaw a difficulty with the procurement of fuels, since, raising in excess of the customs duties, no more shit discharged to the ground, especially in the bunkers.
here and begs the ontological question before eschatological
"but without the mica comb the dolls?"
Friday, April 9, 2010
Brazilian Waz Before After
AGGGIRE (3-G makes more)
It all started in a dark and stormy night, when the Eagle came down houses, churches and barracks.
aall'emergenza The response was prompt and efficient (to toast Night palazzinari aside) but it was the hunting ground of thousands of civil protection associations, parishes, scouts .... The merry
solidarity sms went straight to the Council of Ministers, then they turned to the civil protection department will reimburse the volunteers who cooked from time to time, removing corpses from the rubble, tresette playing with old men.
and someone has gained.
more precisely gnawing all have medium to large NGOs, which was not credited with civil protection, they had to be satisfied with crumbs in the Abruzzo earthquake.
these NGOs have thought that once would have remained frigates, but the lesson learned, woe to miss an opportunity siimile in the future.
Hence the creation of a consortium of nearly all the Italian NGO was given the pompous name of the Italian Agency Emergency Response. The ACT
problem of this consortium is that none of the actors who are part of has an emergency response, nor an adequate logistics base, or experience in the field (including the Italian branches of battleships as Save the Children and ActionAid)
In the Italian civil protection emergency stuff is at least 15 years.
Then on January 12 an earthquake measuring 6.8 Richter scale sparse on the ground the two major cities of Haiti, making 300,000 dead.
Italian Civil Protection has not appropriated funds for a massive intervention to 10000 km from Rome, is disgraced all the money in the plan homes and massages Bertolaso.
the gay sms solidarity are then diverted to act, which accumulates in a week to € 14 million to meet the emergency.
the money is divided among the nine organizations that intervene in Haiti, although none of them (except Save the Children and ActionAid Cesvi) has never done anything in Haiti.
one million and two each organization, the money must be used for emergency response and must be spent within twelve months from the date of the event.
the problem is that all organizations are NGOs that are cooperation, not emergency response, so do not have the human and material resources necessary to put in place the tools necessary to respond to an emergency of this magnitude.
for the series: no We have vehicles, tents, diggers, field hospitals, mobile stations, mobile kitchens. (All of which, incidentally, the Civil Protection)
we only link between the UN and the population
practice in allocating aid on behalf of UNICEF.
and some cooperation project secretly slipped between the lines of the budget (which is the only work that really knows how to do) ...
hence the need to remove the debris with a shovel and bucket.
It all started in a dark and stormy night, when the Eagle came down houses, churches and barracks.
aall'emergenza The response was prompt and efficient (to toast Night palazzinari aside) but it was the hunting ground of thousands of civil protection associations, parishes, scouts .... The merry
solidarity sms went straight to the Council of Ministers, then they turned to the civil protection department will reimburse the volunteers who cooked from time to time, removing corpses from the rubble, tresette playing with old men.
and someone has gained.
more precisely gnawing all have medium to large NGOs, which was not credited with civil protection, they had to be satisfied with crumbs in the Abruzzo earthquake.
these NGOs have thought that once would have remained frigates, but the lesson learned, woe to miss an opportunity siimile in the future.
Hence the creation of a consortium of nearly all the Italian NGO was given the pompous name of the Italian Agency Emergency Response. The ACT
problem of this consortium is that none of the actors who are part of has an emergency response, nor an adequate logistics base, or experience in the field (including the Italian branches of battleships as Save the Children and ActionAid)
In the Italian civil protection emergency stuff is at least 15 years.
Then on January 12 an earthquake measuring 6.8 Richter scale sparse on the ground the two major cities of Haiti, making 300,000 dead.
Italian Civil Protection has not appropriated funds for a massive intervention to 10000 km from Rome, is disgraced all the money in the plan homes and massages Bertolaso.
the gay sms solidarity are then diverted to act, which accumulates in a week to € 14 million to meet the emergency.
the money is divided among the nine organizations that intervene in Haiti, although none of them (except Save the Children and ActionAid Cesvi) has never done anything in Haiti.
one million and two each organization, the money must be used for emergency response and must be spent within twelve months from the date of the event.
the problem is that all organizations are NGOs that are cooperation, not emergency response, so do not have the human and material resources necessary to put in place the tools necessary to respond to an emergency of this magnitude.
for the series: no We have vehicles, tents, diggers, field hospitals, mobile stations, mobile kitchens. (All of which, incidentally, the Civil Protection)
we only link between the UN and the population
practice in allocating aid on behalf of UNICEF.
and some cooperation project secretly slipped between the lines of the budget (which is the only work that really knows how to do) ...
hence the need to remove the debris with a shovel and bucket.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Cruising Spots In Maryland
alarm clock and coffee, shaving and bidet, which soon lose the tram ...
fantozziane on the notes will start the routine tropical-Caribbean.
eyes of accaccolati after Easter, our heroes on the morning of Easter Monday, climbing on the bed of pickup and start a session negropuffica (then coordinated by the United Nations and the Ministry of Education) on the reconstruction of schools.
The truth is that it is then that our heroes were many, were not more than one, two if we count the imaginary friend.
in a hidden corner of the city stagliasi the imposing building of the ministry.
since it is a meeting on the reconstruction, our (one) aspettavansi a jumble of engineers, architects and various consultants.
and in fact the sabbath negropuffico was conducted by a psychologist Korean thirty UNICEF, which immediately gave him a cut (the veins) for low operating at the meeting.
almost three months after the earthquake, UNICEF has not yet a complete list of schools, even the ministry, so basically there are several hundred architects and engineers who graze in the village of smurfs eat peanuts without really knowing what to do, with plots under the arms like a baguette. informed sources say that men spend more time staring at the asses of uninhibited young interns and the various United Nations agencies, a practice understandable, but that the suspect is not worth the salary of a professional away (it would be cheaper to send under the faculty of letters, if they want to look at asses, but so be it vulgar and sexist). At the end of
Sabbath negropuffico the situation was as follows:
- someone would send a list of schools
- the Haitian Ministry of Education (!) would prepare the seismic standard to be applied in newly built schools.
intelligently psicopuffa suggested to entrust the Haitian Ministry quality checks on construction sites of reconstruction. Haiti
being one of the most corrupt states Orbe terraqueous Smurf is concerned that the Korean has won his seat at the United Nations with the points of the shell.
hundred European professionals will design earthquake-resistant schools (paid for by the cheerful solidarity sms) criteria seismic Haitians (who have long tradition and effective in the prevention of earthquakes), controlled by Haitian officials who certify the quality of the works (not at all exposed to corruption).
so the next earthquake will provide jobs for thousands of aid workers who will rebuild the schools rebuilt, otherwise might dig up the land in their countries of origin (which would not make a penny of damage)
gripped by doubts existential, with the final designs approved and work in progress to tender, our (one) if returned home, I decided to begin the work, since most of the NGOs has already identified the schools, done feasibility studies , obtained permission from local authorities and contracted firms.
psicopuffi of the face (which in 15 years of mission in Haiti 8000 salaried officials and at the same time allow the Haitian government to rubbish most of the pil-made for the 80% loan-in the EU and U.S. armed forces.
is not hypocritical to work for the coca-cola (but I've already written)
fantozziane on the notes will start the routine tropical-Caribbean.
eyes of accaccolati after Easter, our heroes on the morning of Easter Monday, climbing on the bed of pickup and start a session negropuffica (then coordinated by the United Nations and the Ministry of Education) on the reconstruction of schools.
The truth is that it is then that our heroes were many, were not more than one, two if we count the imaginary friend.
in a hidden corner of the city stagliasi the imposing building of the ministry.
since it is a meeting on the reconstruction, our (one) aspettavansi a jumble of engineers, architects and various consultants.
and in fact the sabbath negropuffico was conducted by a psychologist Korean thirty UNICEF, which immediately gave him a cut (the veins) for low operating at the meeting.
almost three months after the earthquake, UNICEF has not yet a complete list of schools, even the ministry, so basically there are several hundred architects and engineers who graze in the village of smurfs eat peanuts without really knowing what to do, with plots under the arms like a baguette. informed sources say that men spend more time staring at the asses of uninhibited young interns and the various United Nations agencies, a practice understandable, but that the suspect is not worth the salary of a professional away (it would be cheaper to send under the faculty of letters, if they want to look at asses, but so be it vulgar and sexist). At the end of
Sabbath negropuffico the situation was as follows:
- someone would send a list of schools
- the Haitian Ministry of Education (!) would prepare the seismic standard to be applied in newly built schools.
intelligently psicopuffa suggested to entrust the Haitian Ministry quality checks on construction sites of reconstruction. Haiti
being one of the most corrupt states Orbe terraqueous Smurf is concerned that the Korean has won his seat at the United Nations with the points of the shell.
hundred European professionals will design earthquake-resistant schools (paid for by the cheerful solidarity sms) criteria seismic Haitians (who have long tradition and effective in the prevention of earthquakes), controlled by Haitian officials who certify the quality of the works (not at all exposed to corruption).
so the next earthquake will provide jobs for thousands of aid workers who will rebuild the schools rebuilt, otherwise might dig up the land in their countries of origin (which would not make a penny of damage)
gripped by doubts existential, with the final designs approved and work in progress to tender, our (one) if returned home, I decided to begin the work, since most of the NGOs has already identified the schools, done feasibility studies , obtained permission from local authorities and contracted firms.
psicopuffi of the face (which in 15 years of mission in Haiti 8000 salaried officials and at the same time allow the Haitian government to rubbish most of the pil-made for the 80% loan-in the EU and U.S. armed forces.
is not hypocritical to work for the coca-cola (but I've already written)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Golden Desert Eagle Airsoft
generators & smadonnamenti
all emergencies in support costs to advance office and staff are at or above the total for beneficiaries . this applies to Abruzzo, tsunamis and of course Haiti.
for our home-church-barracks-office pay $ 3500 per month, which makes it enormously enrich the already wealthy landlord.
Our heroes did not know that the area is free from every form of electricity, and pulling a living by dint of the generator and batteries.
a dark and stormy night our dined were based mango rice and beans, the meal of the gods (like nectar and ambrosia, but definitely below matriciana and sarcicce), when a sudden darkness fell on them.
was perhaps a voodoo curse?
was perhaps the revenge of Hades?
was perhaps the revenge of Enel (the voodoo god of light and the bill)? No
was the generator of China that was blowing, making the soul to God (or Buddha, depends on the area of \u200b\u200bmanufacture)
our then remained in the dark for two nights and a day spent their time smoking the calumet (which in local language is called camel light) and singing auspicious songs (the most famous of which was "Osteria Vatican, "mysterious dirge Creole exotic flavor).
the next day armed themselves with checkbook (invincible weapon) and went to the temple of the god Honda to pay their respects and ask for the grace of a generator.
God sent them by the god Kutoba Honda, who said prayers and did materialize a 7 kw diesel generator, but only after the requirement valuable check.
victorious return to our home, having expenditure that confronted the owner, dressed in flip flops sun, to suggest that perhaps, given the low price is not just the rent, would be a good thing that the generator had not been included in China.
owner practiced the ancient ritual of washing of hands, yours truly practiced the ancient ritual of the Italic "tenedevidannà ffanculotettuttilimortaccituaedequellatroiadetumadre" that it was no harbor, but great satisfaction in the heart of the onlookers.
Meanwhile grazed to see if our friends in the slum had started cleaning up the streets paid for by the contribution from the pockets of many viewers who saw the dead negroes, sent sms solidarity.
had begun
frantic pace but not really started.
dicimo that their pace of work (3 hours a day, half-empty carts and various prayers) in 2754 will be cleaned two to three lanes.
satisfactions of life.
all emergencies in support costs to advance office and staff are at or above the total for beneficiaries . this applies to Abruzzo, tsunamis and of course Haiti.
for our home-church-barracks-office pay $ 3500 per month, which makes it enormously enrich the already wealthy landlord.
Our heroes did not know that the area is free from every form of electricity, and pulling a living by dint of the generator and batteries.
a dark and stormy night our dined were based mango rice and beans, the meal of the gods (like nectar and ambrosia, but definitely below matriciana and sarcicce), when a sudden darkness fell on them.
was perhaps a voodoo curse?
was perhaps the revenge of Hades?
was perhaps the revenge of Enel (the voodoo god of light and the bill)? No
was the generator of China that was blowing, making the soul to God (or Buddha, depends on the area of \u200b\u200bmanufacture)
our then remained in the dark for two nights and a day spent their time smoking the calumet (which in local language is called camel light) and singing auspicious songs (the most famous of which was "Osteria Vatican, "mysterious dirge Creole exotic flavor).
the next day armed themselves with checkbook (invincible weapon) and went to the temple of the god Honda to pay their respects and ask for the grace of a generator.
God sent them by the god Kutoba Honda, who said prayers and did materialize a 7 kw diesel generator, but only after the requirement valuable check.
victorious return to our home, having expenditure that confronted the owner, dressed in flip flops sun, to suggest that perhaps, given the low price is not just the rent, would be a good thing that the generator had not been included in China.
owner practiced the ancient ritual of washing of hands, yours truly practiced the ancient ritual of the Italic "tenedevidannà ffanculotettuttilimortaccituaedequellatroiadetumadre" that it was no harbor, but great satisfaction in the heart of the onlookers.
Meanwhile grazed to see if our friends in the slum had started cleaning up the streets paid for by the contribution from the pockets of many viewers who saw the dead negroes, sent sms solidarity.
had begun
frantic pace but not really started.
dicimo that their pace of work (3 hours a day, half-empty carts and various prayers) in 2754 will be cleaned two to three lanes.
satisfactions of life.
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