Friday, April 23, 2010

Flu Like More Condition_symptoms

Celtic organs and organ trafficking from manutendere

needed immediate repairs to the 'body' ...
(Photo by Maurizio Crispi)

organs and organ. Organon is the name given by the followers of Aristotle, Peripatetics, the standard edition of his six works on logic. These works are: Categories, De Interpretation, the Prior Analytics, the Posterior Analytics, Topics and Refutations sophistical.
But, wanting to wander into the vertigo of the list, equipment, device, emissary, a spokesman, device, tool, part newsletter, part of the body member, mechanism, component, institution, organization, structure, paper, newspaper, newspaper, publication, journal, magazine, newsletter, newspaper, magazine>, harmonium, harpsichord, accordion, hurdy , piano, Hammond organ, synthesizer, keyboard electroinstallations piece ...
See also: apparatus, appliance, wit, snap, harness, channel, means, secret, vehicle, arm, support, horn, element, fragment, part, place, party, pitch, character, place, point , role, time, tract, trunk, head, dick, penis, pea, partner, bird, man, operating factor, institute, the system being, castle, building, frame, form, register, weekly, read, title, messenger, representative ...

Given the profusion of meanings, as a body want to talk about?
When I was young (at university, the first years in particular) went through a long period of suffering hypochondriac, rekindle the study of medical texts, where - of course - I went to search for photos and descriptions most horrid and unhealthy, with specific studies in the library, always looking for - rather than written explanations - of pictures (well, in those early years, practicing a kind of pornography images of medical subjects, ultimately).
Among the many diseases, from which I believed to have been hit (thanks to my fantasy that, at full gallop, drew me to the frightening scenarios a lot of imagination), there was a whole anthology of venereal diseases among them a place to relief had the infamous syphilis.
With obsessiveness, I was going to comb through all the images related to the most devastating lesions of tertiary syphilis, syphilitic gums, erosion of the nasal cavities, including those of men without noses, and other deformities.
trepidation of fear.
unrealistic, I thought essermele beak unrealistic because then the 18-20years - with a few exceptions - were living in conditions of semi-chastity.
Well, not holding to the stress of fear of having something, I confided with great difficulty with my father who, for anxiolytic, immediately took me by an acquaintance of his dermatologist and specialist in venereal diseases.
These, when we arrived, without any preamble, he said, giving me good-naturedly and with an air of patronizing you, "He pulls out the rod!" that I was already in the grip of anxiety and semistordito did not understand a bat (the fact). And he continued: "So, he pulls out the auction manly ..."," Show me State " ... "The body "..." The'uccello!" .
I finally understood and sketched, pulling out my peas, given the circumstances, it was just curled up in fear ...
The organ notes ...
that same body which, when you went into brothels (which I've never known), but I've heard through the colorful tales of Don Totò (the sailor of the rowing club that I attended as a boy), request was an immediate exposure of the 'body' for a quote "wash" it allowed, the expert eye of Miss duty, verification that there were no suspicious lesions, but that - at the same time - served as a vigorous manuntezione invigorating, in the case of bodies limp, mosciarelli and pooped.
But what of the legendary Don Toto had never defaillance: Steel was ("A ferrrro" as he used to tell the dear departed, with emphasis on phonetics highest).
Organs manutendere and repair ...
I believe that, when used to post signs as one of the photo, you must first specify which body is talking ta ... to avoid misunderstandings ...

(VC) - Traffic organ ...

year is thirty thousand

the market there is the row
standard selling cars
heart, abdomen, even a lung.

In this year cybernetic
I bought a magnetic heart
a testicle and a anus
in vinilpoliuretano.

But despite my great
this heart, damn
is bleeding profusely
by a faulty seal.

I also said my aunt
be careful,
purchasing second-hand
often there is no guarantee.

I am really quite a rookie,
are just naive,
I can never think
that a good body is a bargain.

In a dishonest world
always have to stay awake,
go to a service center
and you steal consciousness.

I purchased an accessory
I need to love,
big, strong, straight, brown,
it had even mount.

I am always a bit 'distracted
I left it unattended,
has passed pervert,
... the fine organ has disappeared ... !

I I function just fine,
the brain keeps me
I have no money to change it,
I'll just weld it,

but I might buy
market cars,
look, just what I buy,
... and give me a jerk ...!

(by "Variety" - )


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