Sunday, April 25, 2010

Catcher Console Web Monitor

the official version issued by the Government is that all of a sudden refineries and fuel depots in Port au Prince is not meeting the criteria for security.
probably have never responded to international security policy.
UN radio says aging is a tactic of the Haitian government to increase artificially fuel prices, having to dry for a few weeks, the distributors and then flooding the market in Prez increased (the same tactic of drug dealers).
the breed but we thought we Italiot smarter than we thought "mo 'them fregamo Burini us these four blacks, piamo a container, fill me from the oil and if you bring me here, tie."

blowjobs blowjobs little foresight (PPP)
rented the truck and the container was bought by phone 10 m3 of diesel oil, and began what in technical jargon are called dicks.
- the truck can go, but there is no transport documents for fuels that are many and complicated
- letter to the Ambassador of Haiti to Santo Domingo, whose content was more or not: "let us step cor truck full of fuel, otherwise rimanemo dry and we have to block the projects, causing the death of poor Black children malnourished"

happens at this point what happens in the cartoon "the 12 labors of Asterix" or search for the necessary permit to cross the border.

Ambassador, looking contrite, the Ministry of Finance sends us where we have the same letter to the editor of the service on which issue the appropriate authorization.

enter the Ministry of Finance:
- they send us to the reception service
customs clearance - customs clearance service to send us the service tax collection
- the service tax collection remind us of the reception (20 euro as when skim away from the monopoly)
- the front desk sent us to the direction of the transport department
- the direction of the transport department to send us
tax collection - the collection of taxes allrga arms and there said that we were wrong seat

we go out in another building of the Ministry of Finance, on the other side of the city.
and there we see a certain amount of white faces, which makes us think that maybe we are in the right place.

after a wait that resembled the row to take the report cards, with the same feeling of mild anxiety, a bored-looking lady then told us flemmma with some not, would not be possible to transport fuel unless you are an oil company, so we rifornissimo the black market and not rompessimo balls.


and mo 'that there Famo co' I'm the truck?
if damo on the teeth?

no, sell it to santo domingo losing a thousand dollars.

and go to stock up on the black market, just like everyone else.


our answer to this matter they said that it was worth taking a night off and go eat at a restaurant in most of Petion Ville, frequented by expatriates of NGOs, United Nations, drug dealers and pimps of various local general.
only a restaurant could live side by side these different categories of characters.

Dominican orchestra played while the successes Peter Frampton and the spectators danced (with expatriate pimps, whores with UN officials, arms dealers with people in the NGO ...) between a saltimbocca alla romana and licked at the Creole Our table was made by a good half of the expat to act and two curious characters, a Creole in his forties and an old man in white.
myself with his legendary ability to get into situations that most would call "fucking" ended up sitting next to the old man in white.
and a question comes to mind:
use cologne or vodka, or is' mbriacato.
the next three hours of talk made me lean towards the latter.
trattavasi the representative of the Haitian Government with responsibility for tourism in santo domingo (?).
Haitian white, had affinities in the attitude and speeches, with a South African Boer.
Acolla is for the entire evening and I could see the looks sympathetic bystanders, but whose eyes were full of relief to see that this fate had befallen me.

fourth rum, which I drank to keep him company (and to keep me company) launched into a soliloquy about the nature dell'haitiano, declaiming the debt of civilization that Haitians had with France, the fact that people did not like social cohesion and that only a bloody dictatorship of Soviet-style could give the Haitian national unity and a sense of community and solidarity (or the complete extermination of the population)

and it will be in the rum or the fascist rhetoric, m'aveva almost convinced.


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